Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Madi just had her 5 year/Kindergarten check-up. She's 44 inches tall and weighs 45.2lbs.

When they checked her eyes and pointed to the flag and asked if she could see it, she said "Yep! That's the Grand Ol' Flag!" Hahahahha, I love my girl!!!


Sunday, February 5, 2012

So we're eating Subway, and Madi says "Oh MOM! This is exquisite!"

My best friend and cousin Trevor passed away in his sleep Feb. 21. 2007---4 weeks before Madi was born. When she was little, I would tell her about Trevor then yesterday Madi said this.... "Mom, remember when me and Trevor were playing in Heaven together before I got borned?"

wow......let the bawling begin!!

So, I asked the kids what they wanted for breakfast. Madi wanted waffles. Tanner wanted.....wait for it....mac 'n cheese....

Madi: "Mom! Mom! Guess what!!!!"
Me: "What Madi?"
Madi: "I have THREE vowels in my name! A, I and O!!!"

So the other day I was getting ready for school and I noticed laugh lines around my smile....then I started thinking....
Why do people care so much about laugh lines?
Wouldn't that be a good indication that they've lived a happy life?


So I'm in my room folding laundry and Tann comes running in saying "I want Madi get lost like Nemo!!" Hahahahahah what the heck?


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

This one is kinda old, but I forgot about it until yesterday. So a while ago, me, Paul and the kids went to La Puenta Mexican restaurant, and a few days, Madi's preschool took a field trip to the fire station to learn about fire safety, there she learned how to stop, drop and anyways, we were eating salsa at La Puentathat was incredibly spicy. After eating quite a bit, I said "My mouth was on fire!", so cute little Madi responded with "Hurry Mom! Stop, drop and roll!!!!" Silly girl!

and then last night, me and Tann were eating some super spicy BBQ chicken lasagna we had made. After eating a little bit, Tann's nose started running, and he said "Mama, my nose is running away so faster!" hahahah I love my babes!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

"Mom, did you know if you get shot with a heart arrow, you can fall in love? I think I got shot. I love my daddy and Tanner" --Madi

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

So I'm steaming some veggies, and I asked Tann if he wanted any...the little turd said "No!!!! That stuff for mommies, not little boys." Hahaha

This probably isn't very appropriate, but I about peed my pants!!

So for Christmas, Tanner got a lot of play tools from Santa, anyways, here's what they said...

Tanner: "Mommy, we're playing doctor with my tools."
Madi: "Yeah, he's cutting me up with his chainsaw, and he's screwing me too."

I laughed so so hard!! Funny funny kids!!


Friday, December 23, 2011

Madi: "Mom, do you want to play (Barbie's) with me?"
Me: "Not right now, Moo."
Madi: "Please! I'll be your best friend!!!"


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Madi: "Mom, what is the moon made out of?"
Me: "Cheese"
Madi: "Is that why there's little holes on the moon cause the moon mouses eat it?"
Me: "Yep!" hahahahah


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

So here's a little background...whenever the kids get a treat of any kind, Paul and I say we have to check it -by tasting it-to make sure its safe...

So this afternoon I asked Tanner to bring me my newly opened can of soda, a couple minutes later he finally brought it to me-halfway empty. I asked him what happened and he said "I checking to make sure it safe. It not, so I check again" hahahaahah! Little turd!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Madi's version of rock-a-bye baby and that other nursery rhyme:

"Rock a bye baby in the tree tops,
Daddy's gonna buy you a big fat duck.
If that duck doesn't work as well,
Daddy's gonna buy you a big fat whale."


Friday, December 16, 2011

So this morning we were having pb & honey sandwiches for breakfast.....
Madi: "Where does honey come from?"
Me: "Bees"
Madi: "and milk comes from cows, and eggs come from chickens. What do pigs give us?"
Me: "bacon, ham and pork"
Tanner:..."and knives" hahahahahahh


Me and the kids were snuggling in bed, reading the Friend and what Christmas is really about and Madi says "Christmas isn't about presents, it's about loving."

Me and the kids are listening to Christmas music, and Madi was singing along to Silent Night, and this is what I heard....."holy imbecile tender and mild "... hahah!

Madi learning karate has come back to bite me in the butt...

I was screaming at a car who obviously doesn't know how 4 way stops work, and Madi says "Mom, you're not showing very good self-control! Maybe you can come to karate and Mrs. Vicki can help you get some!" ......hmmm.....

I love my Madi girl, she keeps me in line! :)

So, we come home from school and I tell Tanner not to eat any Christmas treats until after dinner. Next thing I know, the bag of candy is sitting in front of him...empty! I asked him what happened and this is the response I get from him "I not know, mama! It accident! Sowwy"

So, I just got off the phone with my dentist, telling them my crown fell out over the weekend, and that I need it re-cemented back in, and as soon as I hung up with them, Madi looks at me in disbelief and says "Wait, Mommy, you're a queen?" Pahahahahahahahahhah!

When Tann gets mad at me, he calls me a "hiccup head" lol

Tann's quote of the day....


You know Tann's up to no good when I say "Tann, what're you doing?" and he responds with "..cause" hahahahaha! We're in for a looooong day!

Madi: "Mom, we're playing a baby game."
Me: "House?"
Madi: "No, we're playing a harder game."
Me: (confused)
Madi: "We're playing married!"
