Tuesday, January 17, 2012

This one is kinda old, but I forgot about it until yesterday. So a while ago, me, Paul and the kids went to La Puenta Mexican restaurant, and a few days, Madi's preschool took a field trip to the fire station to learn about fire safety, there she learned how to stop, drop and roll...so anyways, we were eating salsa at La Puentathat was incredibly spicy. After eating quite a bit, I said "My mouth was on fire!", so cute little Madi responded with "Hurry Mom! Stop, drop and roll!!!!" Silly girl!

and then last night, me and Tann were eating some super spicy BBQ chicken lasagna we had made. After eating a little bit, Tann's nose started running, and he said "Mama, my nose is running away so faster!" hahahah I love my babes!


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